Thursday 21 July 2016

PSP again

I've had a little play on Paint Shop Pro and made a couple of things.

This first one is my Nan, she loved Lily-of-the-Valley so I made this -

My Nan was a truly amazing lady, before her eye-sight deteriorated she made hundreds of items of clothing for children for Oxfam. She had her first birthday party aged 90 and on one of her birthdays (her 80th I believe) she went up in an airplane to loop the loop! She lived until 2 months before her 104th birthday and I still miss her everyday.

This Love Bug is so cute and really easy to make, I've made this one from a tutorial HERE

This is an animated one I've been playing around with tonight, nice glittery wings on him -

Finally two signature tags I designed myself :) -

 I definitely prefer the gold one but had fun designing them and working out how to make them!

A couple of pictures

Well I think everyone likes 'clock-out' time in work but when you walk home from work the same way I do it makes it doubly nice. Here are a couple of pictures from my recent walk home -

I had the intention of feeding the swans but there were so many seagulls around they were frightening the swans, better luck next time I hope.
I know I've said it before but I am so lucky I live where I do!

Word clouds

I haven't made any craft things recently as I've been trying to tidy up my pc, sorting everything out into folders, getting rid of any rubbish and duplicate photos and putting everything I can on Photobucket.
Before I started the mass 'clean-up' I made a couple of word clouds. These two are for my son and his girlfriend -

This next one I made for my mum, I wasn't sure if she would like it but I'm so glad she does  -

This is one I made of my dog - 

 Finally, this is one my eldest grandaughter made for me and I love it ♥♥♥ -  


I'm afraid that's all for now but I really haven't been up to much lately :(